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[Huasheng Online] Hou Hongyin Tan Jihua: Build the strength foundation of ideological and political course construction with revolutionary culture

2024-09-16 10:12   来源:Hua Sheng Online   作者:Hou Hongyin Tan Jihua   点击:

Hou Hongyin Tan Jihua

习近平总书记对学校思政课建设作出重要指示,明确提出以中华优秀传统文化、革命文化和社会主义先进文化为力量根基,“不断提高思政课的针对性和吸引力”,为新时代新征程思政课建设指明方向。Therefore, integrating revolutionary culture into the teaching of ideological and political courses in schools, inheriting the red gene and continuing the spiritual blood, provides the most profound force for cultivating new people in the era who take on the great task of building a strong country and reviving the nation。

The integration of revolutionary culture into ideological and political lessons focuses on bacon casting soul。Adolescence is the "jointing and booting period" of life.。Ideological and political course, as the key course to carry out the fundamental task of moral education, bears the sacred mission of cultivating new people in The Times。For more than a hundred years,Inspired by communist ideals,Generation after generation Communists are loyal to the Party and the people,Tenacious struggle, heroic struggle,"It doesn't matter,"The enemy can only cut off our heads.,We must not shake our faith. "" I would rather live twenty years less,We will try our best to win the big oil fields."Words that burst from the bottom of my heart,It vividly expresses the Communists' unswerving devotion to their ideals and beliefs and their absolute loyalty to the Party。The revolutionary culture of the Communist Party of China embodies the deepest spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation, represents the unique spiritual roots of the Chinese nation, and is a great book that is often studied, often reflected and constantly advanced。To inject revolutionary culture into ideological and political lessons, we must hold the correct direction, adhere to the "root" of moral cultivation, and make pious and persistent, sincere and profound ideals and beliefs become the brightest guiding light in the hearts of students through the nourishment of revolutionary culture。

The integration of revolutionary culture into ideological and political lessons should focus on the unity of knowledge and action。Ideological and political course is first of all political course, political guidance is its basic function, and politics must be the first。思政课必须坚持马克思主义指导地位,全面贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,全面贯彻党的教育方针,回答好培养什么人、怎样培养人、为谁培养人这个根本问题。However, if we only read from the book and engage in "cramming" and "filling" teaching, "attendance rate" and "head-up rate" will be greatly reduced。On the one hand,We must adhere to the unity of teachers' "teaching" and students' "learning",Change the way you used to be monotonous, boring and didactic,Case teaching, inquiry teaching, experience teaching, interactive teaching, mass teaching and so on,The abstract and profound thoughts and theories are taught more sincerely and vividly,Make the teaching content red, the classroom atmosphere alive, and the political orientation light up。On the other hand, we should make good use of the "big classroom" of social practice.。Hunan is the hometown of great men and a red hot land. It is necessary to explore the transfer of ideological and political lessons to a broad world, so that young students can understand the turbulent years of war in practical teaching activities, accept the soul baptism of the revolutionary spirit, and promote the ideological and political lessons to be more friendly and powerful, more targeted at actual results, and truly realize the integration of knowledge and practice。

The integration of revolutionary culture into ideological and political courses is intended to improve the quality of the new。习近平总书记指出,“改革创新是时代精神,青少年是最活跃的群体,思政课建设要向改革创新要活力”。To integrate revolutionary culture into the ideological and political course, we must perfect the new model and new mechanism that meet the development requirements of the ideological and political course in the new era from three aspects on the basis of upholding integrity。First, innovate the evaluation mechanism。Improve the scientific level of assessment, guide ideological and political teachers to focus on teaching and educating people。Second, improve the training mechanism。On the basis of strengthening the construction of the School of Marxism and the subject of Marxist theory, we will coordinate and promote the training of Marxist theory talents, broaden the platforms and channels for growth, and cultivate a solid reserve army for the construction of ideological and political teachers。Third, strengthen coordination mechanisms。A good ideological and political course and a good ideological and political work in schools are not only a point or a line of things for schools, teachers and students,We must improve the work pattern of unified leadership of the Party committee, joint management of the Party and government, relevant departments assuming their respective responsibilities, and the whole society cooperating,Truly form the construction and development system of school ideological and political courses through the upper and lower, system integration, and integration,We will create a good atmosphere for the whole society to do a good job in ideological and political lessons, for teachers to do a good job in ideological and political lessons, and for students to actively learn them。

In the face of the great changes in the world unseen in a century and the overall strategy of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,We must use revolutionary culture to build a solid foundation of school ideological and political lessons,Make the ideological and political course amiable, respectable, credible and usable,Let revolutionary culture become a beautiful landscape in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Bloom in the spiritual world of the people。

(The authors are all researchers at the Research Center for the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Research Base of Hunan Normal University)

Original link:http://opinion.voc.com.cn/article/202409/202409150921235986.html

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