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[Huashen Online] "The New journey of the Implementation of the 20 National Congress - Hunan Province colleges and universities to implement the Party's 20 spirit series talk" to take the road of "improving the quality of talent independent training" in colleges and universities

2023-06-08 09:03   来源:Hua Sheng Online   作者:Jiang Hongxin   点击:

Jiang Hongxin, Party secretary of Hunan Normal University

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Party stressed that we must adhere to the priority development of education, self-reliance in science and technology, talent leadership and drive, accelerate the construction of a strong education, science and technology, talent, adhere to the cultivation of talents for the Party and the country, comprehensively improve the quality of independent talent training, and strive to create top-notch innovative talents, and gather talents from all over the world。This has indicated the direction for the development of higher education in our country。Colleges and universities shoulder heavy responsibilities and have glorious missions。

To comprehensively improve the quality of independent talent training is an important strategic task for the realization of Chinese-style modernization。The report to the Party's 20th National Congress put forward an important discussion on comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization, and defined the new goals and tasks of comprehensively building a modern socialist country in the new era。National rejuvenation and modernization ultimately depend on talent。习近平总书记强调,中国是一个大国,对人才数量、质量、结构的需求是全方位的,满足这样庞大的人才需求必须主要依靠自己培养,提高人才供给自主可控能力。At present, the world is accelerating the evolution of major changes unseen in a century, the global industrial chain and supply chain are deeply reshaped, and anti-globalization, unilateralism and protectionism are surging, and China faces the risk of being "stuck" in some key core technologies。We must enhance the awareness of potential dangers, adhere to the bottom line thinking, and comprehensively improve the quality of independent talent training as an extremely important and urgent strategic task。

It is the duty and mission of colleges and universities to improve the quality of independent training of talents。In the final analysis, the competition for talents is the competition of education. Education is the most important and basic basis for improving the quality of independent talent training, and it is an important mission of schools at all levels and of all types to build a high-quality talent training system with Chinese characteristics。China has built the world's largest higher education system, with a total enrollment of 46.55 million students, and the gross enrollment rate of higher education has increased from 30 percent in 2012 to 59 percent in 2022.6%, a historic leap。As the cradle of talent training and the key town of scientific and technological innovation, colleges and universities should bravely take the mission and shoulder the main responsibility of talent independent training。It is necessary to deeply understand and grasp the new situation and tasks facing the country's development, intensify reforms in personnel training models, disciplinary layout, resource allocation methods, and educational evaluation methods, and build a education system with quality improvement as the core, so as to provide solid talent support for national scientific and technological self-reliance。

踔厉 Work hard and firmly to take the road of comprehensively improving the quality of independent talent training in the new era。Hunan Normal University was born in the Anti-Japanese War, and since then, it has taken the cultivation of sound teachers and the realization of national rejuvenation as its own responsibility。As a national "double first-class" construction university, the university will bear in mind the mission of educating people and never forget the original intention of teachers。一是坚持立德树人,用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想凝心铸魂,培养高素质的社会主义建设者和接班人。The second is to closely follow the needs of society, serve the beautiful blueprint of Hunan to realize the "three high and four new", optimize the layout of disciplines, deepen the reform of education and teaching, run the "Shicheng Academy", and accelerate the training of top innovative talents in basic disciplines。The third is to highlight the advantages of running schools, actively give play to the leading role of foreign languages and literature in the construction of "world-class" disciplines, implement the reform of talent training models such as "foreign language +", and actively serve the improvement of the country's soft power and cultural prosperity。The fourth is to carry forward the characteristics of teachers, always take the service to lead the development of basic education in Hunan and cultivate excellent teachers as its own mission, focus on training "big master" who is unified between "Confucian teacher" and "human teacher", help the revitalization of rural education, and provide continuous strength for the development of national education。

Facing the future, Hunan Normal University will not be idle, but strive for innovation, take the road of "improving the quality of independent talent training", and highlight the mission and responsibility of "double first-class" university in the new journey of realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

Original link:http://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1767568039462197963&wfr=spider&for=pc

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