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[Video News] Our school held the opening ceremony for the class of 2024 freshmen

2024-09-11 11:00   来源:Hunan Normal University news network   作者:Chen Lirong Ma Tiequan Huang Yiyi Li Xinru   点击:

(Reporter Chen Lirong Ma Tiequan Huang Yiyi Li Xinru) On the morning of September 10, our school held the opening ceremony for class 2024 freshmen in the stadium of Erli and Half Campus。All home school leaders, relevant functional departments of the school, heads of colleges, and all freshmen attended the ceremony。The opening ceremony was presided over by Zhou Junwu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee。Minister of Student Affairs Chen Wenxiong introduced the leaders and guests attending the ceremony and presided over the flag-raising ceremony。

Jiang Hongxin, secretary of the University Party Committee and academician of the European Academy of Sciences, presented the university badge and books to the freshmen representatives。

President Liu Zhonghua, alternate member of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, delivered a speech and delivered a special report on "The First Lesson of University"。On behalf of the school, he extended welcome and congratulations to all the new students of the class of 2024。He briefly introduced the history of the school and the achievements of talent training, and pointed out that the school has a fine tradition of talent training and rich soil, and students can take advantage of the trend and have a great future。He put forward ardent expectations for all freshmen: first, set up lofty ideals and answer the choice question of the course of life。Focus on the needs of the country, the society and the people, and integrate personal development into the development of the country and The Times;The second is to sharpen professional skills and answer the blank questions of quality improvement。Closely follow the pulse of The Times, consolidate the professional foundation, improve the comprehensive quality in an all-round way, and promote the Chinese-style modernization with advancing youth;The third is to temper tough character, a good answer to the surface frustration jump resistance of the bonus question。With the spirit of "self-suffering" constantly honing their own ambition, backbone, confidence, to courageously strive to meet the light of victory;The fourth is to cultivate a healthy body and mind and answer the basic questions for a better life。Cultivate an optimistic attitude and interest in life, and embrace a rich and colorful college life with a healthy body and a strong heart。The students are the witnesses, participants and creators of the trend of The Times. We should take over the baton of The Times, uphold the spirit of the school motto of "love and diligence", shoulder the historical mission, firmly advance confidence, and win the champion of our own life。

Tang Sulan, a famous children's literature writer, chairman of Hunan Writers Association and professor of the College of Literature, spoke as a representative of the teachers。She encouraged students to seize the key period of establishing values and planning for the future, to seek truth for learning, to do good for things, to be beautiful, in the era of multiple values, to insist on being a sincere person, and to have the courage to seek truth and strive to explore the truth on the way to study。

Yuan Li, a member of the presidium of the Student Union and a 2021 undergraduate of the School of Public Administration, spoke as a representative of senior students。She fondly recalls her eye-opening and knowledgeable study experience, and encourages students to polish the background color of youth with struggle, establish a great ambition, and be a striver。

Duan Houyu, graduate student of Marxism College 2024, and Li Xiang, undergraduate student of Shicheng College 2024, spoke as representatives of freshmen。They said that the university is the temple of learning, but also the stage of practice, to climb the scientific research peak, write the paper on the motherland;With the struggle to polish the youth background color, diligent, live up to the expectations of the school and teachers, with practical actions to interpret the style and responsibility of teachers。

Before the ceremony began, the student representatives from the School of Physical Education and the School of Music brought to the students "Auspicious Long Tiger Welcome the Proud Son", "Youth Shine", "Wu Yun Fenghua Welcome the new journey", "the first day", "All the way flowers" and "Friends like you" and other programs。

After the opening ceremony,Held the freshman Party history national conditions education and Hunan Party History Museum "the first lesson" study activities,The Red Story propaganda group told the story of "steel tough man Chen Shuxiang", "Give everything to the Party", "Apricot Blossom in Turpan again", "Where there is a five-star red flag is China" and other stories,The emotional interpretation infected the teachers and students present,Guide the newborn to pass on the red gene,Gather upward good, energetic and promising positive energy,Remember the history of the Party and feel the original heart,And continue to draw nutrients and experience from it,Have strong beliefs,Get the strength to move forward,Strive to be the aspiring youth of the new era。

Editing by Liu Shirui

Editor: Ma Tiequan

Review: Chen Lirong

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